Join UA 26 For Their Union Invitational Archery Tournament In Lacey

UA Local 26 is inviting all union members to join them at the Greater Western Washington Pipe Trades' Union Archery Invitational Tournament at Archery World in Lacey, Washington on February 24th.
There is a $30.00 entry fee (cash only - pay at the door) and pre-registration is required for the event at this link.
Join your fellow union members and showcase your bow skills as you compete for fantastic prizes (and bragging rights!) Please download this flier and share it with any union archers you know, then get ready to draw back at Archery World (2901 Marvin Rd NE, Lacey, WA 98516) on February 24th.
Times for the event will be determined by the number of registrants, and will be posted on GWWPT's Facebook page at a later date.