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Join Us For The 3rd Annual Union Awards Night of Southwest Washington!

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The Third Annual Union Awards Night of Southwest Washington

Presented by

The Southwest Washington Central Labor Council
The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Central Labor Council
The Southwest Washington Labor Roundtable

will be held on October 19th

at the Vancouver Hilton (our UNION Hotel!)

Sponsorships are available
Please see the attached flier for information on
how your union Local can sponsor this event!

We need some things from you to make this the best awards dinner ever!

  • We Need Your Program Ad Artwork! If you're sponsoring this year's awards dinner, we want to acknowledge you in the program!  Send your ad or artwork ASAP to Kevin at The programs MUST go to the printer soon!
  • If you've purchased a table or tickets, we need the names and meal preferences (Chicken, Beef or Vegetarian) for everyone in your party as soon as possible. Please send a list of your attendees and their meal preferences to Kevin at as soon as possible.
  • If you're planning to attend the Labor Awards Night of Southwest Washington, but you're waiting to secure payment for your table or tickets... Let us know as soon as possible! The SWWACLC is happy to reserve your table or tickets and will take payment closer to (or after) the event - but we need to know how many people are going to be attending and how many meals will be needed. Please send your table or ticket reservation to Kevin at as soon as possible (and be sure to include the aforementioned list of attendees and meal preferences!)
  • The Labor Awards Night of Southwest Washington will once again feature a raffle and silent auction. If you'd like to donate something (you guessed it) send that information to to Kevin at as soon as possible - he'll put our auction coordinator in touch with you.
  • We want to see your members on the big screen! We're happy to once again share a pre-show and post-show slideshow on the screen at the Hilton featuring YOUR MEMBERS at work, on the picket line, and sporting their union pride.  Send your photos to (switched it up on you, didn't we?) as soon as possible so we can start putting that show together.

    If you'd like to volunteer to help with
    - Event setup / tear down
    - The raffle
    - The silent auction
    Please contact SWWACLC President Ray Connor at

With you and your Locals' help we're going to make this year's Labor Awards Night the best ever! Please share this email with anyone you think may want to attend, donate, or share photos for the Labor Awards Night of Southwest Washington.